Can Limp Hair Have Volume?

This is a question I’ve been asked on numerous occasions. Statements like, “My hair just won’t ‘poof’ up, no matter what I do.” And, “Give me a haircut that will make my hair lift on the top.”

The cut does matter, actually. And it’s also true that volume is unattainable in long, one length hair when it’s left to dry naturally, with no product used. One must tell the hair what to do. If we don’t use products to create volume as our hair dries, the hair knows only what nature tells it to do. Just lay there. Spring out of the scalp and fall. That’s its only job.

Short hair is no different. We HAVE to use a volumizer, and use it correctly, if it is volume we seek.

Most of us add our volumizing products straight out of the shower, and after we’ve towel dried our hair. Want to know a little trick of the trade? Allow your hair to sit until it is about 75-80% dry, THEN add the volumizer. Oh! You have LONG hair??? You will have to towel blot REALLY well (no rubbing the hair between towel fibers), then hit the hair at the scalp (only), with a low-to-medium heat for about 1 minute. Okay! Now you are ready to apply the volumizer at the roots. That’s where the lift is needed, right?

If you have questions, add them in the comment section below. I’ve got you!